PageBuilder for Strapi and Premium Support

We have a high-quality demo setup! Before you calculate prices und purchase licences of the PageBuilder for Strapi, you can try out the plugin by yourself. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.

Start the Demo

Frequently asked Questions and Answers

The monthly fees can be paid conveniently by PayPal, credit card or traditional bank transfer. You will find all information on the respective payment options on the invoice.

To order the PageBuilder, please complete our request form in full. We will then send you the contract documents by email. After signing the contract, you will receive the download link and all the necessary documents for setting up PageBuilder in your Strapi project. If you have any questions or technical problems, we will be happy to help you at any time.

If you have any technical problems or questions about setting up the PageBuilder, please contact us! We will help you so that you can continue to take advantage of the PageBuilder for your Strapi project.

If you would like to claim our 30-day money-back guarantee, please contact us within the first 30 days of signing the contract and let us know. We will then cancel the purchase and send a refund of the payments made.

The available Content Elements in the delivery state of the PageBuilder for Strapi can be found in this overview of all Content Elements. You can also try out the Content Elements yourself in our fully functional demo system.

Our Premium Support can be contacted by email without having to go through any red tape. You will find the email address in your contract documents. You will then receive a priority service ticket and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

The amount of Premium Support licences is bound to the number of PageBuilder users. This means that all licensed users are authorised to receive our Premium Support.

Example: If you purchase PageBuilder licences for 3 users with Premium Support included, that 3 licences for the PageBuilder also include 3 licences for Premium Support. This means that all users are automatically authorised to use our Premium Support.

Contract documents are required for the PageBuilder for Strapi and/or our PageBuilder Premium Support, which we will send to you as soon as possible after we have checked your request form data. As our offer is addressed to companies, commercial tradespeople and freelancers, but not to private end customers, we are obliged to check your data.

No problem! It is also possible to conclude a contract without a VAT ID. The important thing is that you are acting as a company, commercial tradespeople or as a freelancer.

If you have applied for your VAT ID but have not yet received it, it is also possible to provide it at later. Please make a brief note of this fact in the message field in the request form.

Form: Request the PageBuilder

Our offer is aimed exclusively at companies, commercial tradespeople and freelancers. Please complete the form in full. We will get back to you as soon as possible with the contract documents for the PageBuilder for Strapi and/or PageBuilder Premium Support.

Do you have any questions or would you like personal support? Contact us now